Past Outings

This day hiking excursion will be held on BOTH DAYS - Saturday, October 4th and on Sunday, October 5th. The trail begins at Halfway Lake parking area off Long Lake Road. The estimated length is...

Saturday, October 4, 2014 - 09:30
almost 5 hours

October 3 - Arrive in Sault St Marie - approximately 7-8 hour drive
October 4 - load gear by 8.00 am - arrive LSPP and get camping permits - Be in Frater no later than 12.30 pm

Friday, October 3, 2014 (All day)

Tom`s Lookout hike in the Madawaska Highlands for this coming October 4th-5th weekend has been definitely CANCELLED due to the recent decision to cancel the annual fall meeting at nearby MKC (...

Friday, October 3, 2014 (All day)

A social event with some flat water canoeing required. Join us once again for this Fall Festival weekend canoe trip. This year I have booked a group campsite on Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton...

Friday, September 19, 2014 (All day)
Friday to Sunday, Sept 19 to 21

Flatwater canoe trip in Killarney Provincial Park (George Lake, Killarney Lake, plus a hike to 'The Crack') (opening for 1 more paddler)

Thursday, September 18, 2014 - 12:00
3 1/2 days, 3 nights

As the guide book says, "Paddlers who choose this route will travel the entire west and central regions of the park. Recommended for experienced canoeists, this trip tours some of the most remote...

Thursday, September 18, 2014 - 11:59
ten days

Algonquin Flatwater Canoe Trip - Erables Lake Loop (Kioshkokowi Lake, Mink Lake, Mouse Lake, Erables Lake, Maple Lake).

Thursday, September 4, 2014 (All day)
5 Days

A very relaxed and easy trip with short flat portages.

Monday August 25 - Friday August 29th (have it booked till the 30th but am thinking of coming back on Friday the 29th)

An early...

Monday, August 25, 2014 - 08:00
5 days

This is one of my favourite lake trips.
We will be travelling at a comfortable pace with two lay-over camp sites. Some planned activities include, climbing the Elephant, swim in Paradise...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 (All day)
8 days

This will be the third and last day trip for this year before the water level normally begins to decline. The total time normally averages about 6 to 8 hours including the shuttle time duration...

Sunday, August 3, 2014 - 09:00
1 day