
This section of the website is in development.
Please send any website related questions to the Administrator at
Here are several quick tips:
Menu items in the left sidebar have "+" signs to indicate the presence of submenus. The "+" sign is just a graphic image and is not clickable. To expand any menu item that has a "+", click on the menu item itself. When you click on another menu item, the previously expanded menu item will automatically collapse, and the one you selected will expand.
Password Reset
Please read the detailed instructions on how to reset your password, even if you don't recall your Username
You must login first to access all sections of the Website. Important: when crating your Username, please use your Last Name/First Name (i.e. SmithJohn) so that we can easily identify you as a member. If you are a new member, your access to members-only sections is granted immediately if you paid the membership fee online with a credit card. If you paid by cheque, it may take a few weeks for your full membership privileges to be granted. If you are an existing member, your membership must be paid up-to-date in order to retain full membership privileges. In summary, if you only registered but didn't pay the membership dues, you can login but won't see the members-only sections.
Important: You will remain logged in unless you explicitally log out. This is the case even when you close your browser, and reopen it another day. If you're using public computer (Library), make sure you log out at the end of your session.
Calendar of Events
Certain dates in the Calendar are underscored. This means that an outing exists on that particular date. When you click on such date, or any date for that matter, it will be displayed in the middle of the page, listing all outings scheduled for that day. You can click on any outing to find out more details. On the top of the page are "Year, Month, Week and Day" display options.
My account
This is an important section for our members. Many personal preferences are controlled here:
- View tab - allows you to view your general settings
- Edit tab - allows you to change your settings. It has 3 tabs:
- Account - here you can change your email address, password, subscription preferences, default interval for email notifications (immediate: as soon as the new outing is posted; or every hour, twice a day, daily and weekly)
- General Information - here you can change your general information as well as subscription preferences
- Optional Information - as the name suggests, you can change some optional fields here
- Notifications tab - allows you to administer your subscriptions. Default setting is "immediate" which means you'll get every new Outings update right away. You can change to daily or weekly to minimize email traffic.
- Orders tab - allows you to view/manage your purchases
- My Outings tab - allow you to view/manage the outings for which you signed up
Signing up for the Outing
In the Outings section, click on the name of the Outing for which you wish to sign up. Scroll to the bottom of the page - section "Sign up for _____ Trip".
- "Email address" is already pre-populated.
- "Name(s)" field is where you enter your name (if signing up just for yourself) or your and your partner's name if you're signing up for two people. For the paddling-related sign-ups, please indicate "tandem" or "solo" or "2 solo" canoes or kayaks. Your Trip Organizer will need to know that!
- "Phone" is where you will put the best phone number where you can be reached.
Email notifications - after you click on "Sign up" for the Outing, the following notifications will be automatically sent to the email address in your profile:
- Confirmation that you signed up for the Outing; this Outing will also appear in "My Account" section under "My Outings" tab.
- Updates whenever the Outing Organizer changes any outing details.
- Reminder email three day before the outing
Submiting an Outing
As a Registered Member in good standing you will see "Outing - Submit an Outing" block in the right side-bar, below "User" and "Bulletin Board" sections. All Outing submissions are subject to approval by the Outings Committee. Submitted Outing is published only after the approval is granted.
- Click on "Submit an Outing" to start the process. Note that the fields with a red asterix are mandatory fields. Others are optional. Mandatory fields are:
- "Outing Name" - is where you put the name of the outing how you'd like it to appear in the Outing
- "Outing Type" - select one option that best matches your outing type
- "Description" - provide us much detail as you can here. Think of yourself as someone who is reading your Outing post!
- "Event Location" - provide as accurate a location as possible. You can also say "Algonquin Park"
- "Date(s) & Time" - enter the starting date for your outing in the first box; Leave the second box blank if you don't wish a specific time to appear, otherwise specify the start time of the Outing
- "Event Duration" - specify "1 day", "2 days", "3 days" etc.
- "Difficulty Rating" - for paddling Outings, please refer to the "WCA Trip Ratings" document posted in the "Outings" section
The remaining fields are optional and self-explanatory. Make sure you provide your Contact Name, Phone and Email.
Email Notifications
See under My Account
Membership renewal
To renew your membership, you must login first. Then, open STORE link in the left side menu and select "WCA Membership Renewal" option for 1 or 2 years. You can also renew membership by Clicking on "Join WCA" and "Renew Membership" link. Proceed to the Shopping Cart and Checkout, where you will be asked to provide payment information. If you pay by credit card, your membership expiry date will be updated immediately. If paying by cheque, it may take several weeks for cheque to be processed.
I don't remember my Password!
As long as you know your User name or email address associated with your WCA login, your password can be reset. Click on the "Request new password" link below "Log in" button.