

Book as soon as possible. Join us on the classic run from Lake Travers to McManus. There will be a potluck dinner and accommodation at our place on Friday night.

This is a great opportunity to watch expert paddlers take on Rollway- one of Ontario’s wildest whitewater thrills. There are plenty of Class 3 rapids for intermediate paddlers on this run. All the more difficult rapids can be walked around, and there is lots of scenery to enjoy from either the river or the trail on this beautiful river.

Fully outfitted whitewater boats, and completer wetsuits or drysuits are mandatory.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, May 22, 2010 (All day)
Event Duration: 
3 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Required Items to Bring: 

Fully outfitted whitewater boats, and completer wetsuits or drysuits are mandatory.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson & Frank Knaapen


Book as soon as possible. Join us for the 10th annual spring paddle/wine and cheese party and find out first hand why mostly sane, reasonably intelligent and somewhat mature persons subject themselves to the vicissitudes of spring camping. We paddle from above Aumonds Bay to the take-out at Griffith, a distance of only 28 km.

The pace is leisurely with only the Sunday being a full day of paddling and most of that spent on the Snake Rapids section of the river. Lots of time to play, chat and nibble! Rapids will range from Grade 1 to 4 and there are a couple of short portages around falls.

The water will still be cold, and the water levels are likely to be quite high. In the past we have had sun, rain, hail and snow…all on the same day, so participants will need to dress and pack appropriately. Suitable for intermediate level paddlers. Limit six boats. Book early as this trip “sells out” every year.

The Basics
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 08:30
Event Duration: 
2 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Larry Durst
905- 415-1152


Book before May 10. I will be paddling on the Magnetawan River for the long weekend in May and would enjoy some company. This is a four day trip suitable for experienced whitewater trippers. Participants must have properly outfitted boats and cold weather camping gear/experience.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, May 21, 2010 (All day)
Event Duration: 
4 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Required Items to Bring: 

Participants must have properly outfitted boats and cold weather camping gear/experience.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Alan James


Book immediately. The Opeongo has long sections of Class 2-3 rapids, making it suitable for solid intermediates or better. The Upper Madawaska is one of the most challenging rivers in Ontario. Water levels will be very high, requiring Class 3 rock and roll paddling skills, with some Class 4 thrills for experts. The big drops can be portaged, but the river still requires advanced whitewater skills. Fully outfitted whitewater boats, and complete wetsuits or drysuits are mandatory.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Opeongo & Upper Mad
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, May 8, 2010 - 16:54
Event Duration: 
day trip
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson & Frank Knaapen


Book by April 10. See Black River – Queensborough at http://www.boatwerks.net/whitewater/running.php. This is not the same river as the Black River at Washago. This Lower Black runs from Queensborough to Hwy #7, north-west of Tweed, and east of Madoc. It is 10.5 km of grade I to IV rapids. The more serious ones can be and at least one will be portaged. The river is primarily pool and drop, but a number of the rapids are longish and narrow and require the ability to maneuver a canoe at an intermediate level in whitewater. There will be some eddies that you must hit, and some definite lines that you must run. The book ‘Eastern Ontario White Water Rivers’ ranks this river as the next step above the Moira. If you are not comfortable running the Lost Channel section of the Moira, you will not be comfortable here. On the other hand, it is a fun run on a pretty section of river. There will probably still be some snow in the bush and the water will be cold. Tandem canoes must have a center airbag. Wetsuits or drysuits and helmets are required. Limit 5 canoes.
The Basics
Event Location: 
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 16:45
Event Duration: 
day trip
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jon McPhee


Book after February 20. Just north of Belleville, these two rivers offer exciting whitewater and fine scenery. The Salmon is the more gentle run, with some small rapids for you to practice your skills. The Moira has larger rapids possibly up to class 3. You can bivouac at my house and enjoy a potluck dinner. These are two of Southern Ontario's finest spring rivers. Intermediate paddlers welcome. Limit six boats.

The Basics
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 16:40
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Glenn Spence


Book by April 3. Date tentative. The actual date will depend on optimal water levels. This section of the Washago Black River is a short run from the concrete bridge on Hwy 169 south of Washago to the first concession road west. It’s a short stretch of river, but we will take about 3 hours of paddling, working the river. It is an easy, fun run where paddlers can practice eddies, ferries and surfing, with little or no consequences (except for the COLD water). If the water level is suitable, and there is interest, we can drive over to the nearby Head River. The Head is small and technical, and has been described as a mini-Beaver Creek. In this short section there are a number of Class 2-3 ledge rapids that require precise maneuvering. This river is best for skilled intermediates. There will probably still be some snow in the bush and the water will be cold. Tandem canoes must have a center airbag. Wetsuits or drysuits and helmets are required. Limit 5 canoes.

The Basics
Date(s) & Time: 
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 - 16:38
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jon McPhee


I like to get out during the week to paddle whenever weather and water are good. Favourite destinations are the Black and Head near Washago, as well as the HWY 7 rivers. Call me if interested, and I’ll put you on my contact list. The Black at Washago is suitable for a novice with moving water experience. The HWY 7 runs are for good intermediates or better. Drysuits or wetsuits a must, as are properly outfitted whitewater boats.

The Basics
Date(s) & Time: 
Monday, March 1, 2010 - 16:16
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jon McPhee


Stay at our winter tent and enjoy glorious snow fantasia in Algonquin Park. The tent comes complete with a very large with a 10 ft.x6ft. straw bed and interior wood stove. Contact us for assisted or self-supported use.

The Basics
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, January 31, 2010 - 09:05
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson & Frank Knaapen
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