Opeongo River (Crotch Lake to Aylen Lake) 1 June 2025

Spring day trip from Crotch Lake to Aylen Lake. This day trip takes place the day after we are paddling the Lower Madawaska on 31 May. This is an advanced section of the river due to long sections of back to back whitewater. In order to attend this trip, you must also be registered for at least one of my spring-time runs on the Lower Madawaska so that I can see your paddling skills and equipment before we do this day trip on the Opeongo. Contact Joe Tobin if you would like to participate in this trip.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Opeongo River. Shall Lake access point.
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, June 1, 2025 - 10:30
Event Duration: 
1 Day
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Paddlers who have been previously screened by me for suitable skills and equipment.
Maximum Group Size: 
6 boats, 12 paddlers
Minimum Group Size: 
2 boats, 4 paddlers
Itinerary description: 

Paddlers attending the Lower Madawaska trip on 31 May will leave Paddlers' Coop at 0800.
1000 Arrive Shall Lake Access Point
1000-1030 Boat prep
1030 Safety brief
1045 Launch
We will be off the river by no later than 1800.

Required Items to Bring: 

Wet/Drysuit, helmet, properly fitted PFD, paddles, whitewater boat with thigh straps, end bags, CENTRE AIR BAGS, bailer, closed toed shoes, whistles, throw bags & river knives, DRY BAG WITH WARM CLOTHES.

Required items will be inspected at safety briefing. Those without the required gear will not participate in this event.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

Lunch, water, warm clothes, sense of adventure, positive attitude.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Joe Tobin