
Creeking on the Humber River

Between Bolton and Weston, where rains brought by Hurricane Hazel washed away 14 homes in October 1954, the Humber River is now carefully flood controlled by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Though this stretch is open and accessible, the two dam projects along its length have successfully reduced the river to mainly a fast flowing stream. Passage requires the highest water levels, but this means several hours of nearly uninterrupted swifts and rock gardens with no actual classified rapids. There are a couple of short portages around the old mill dam, cataract, and diversion project in the original Bolton village. After this there are no other man made obstacles for the duration, and it is 27 kilometres to Kleinburg. Previously this has taken 6 hours, however last year was appropriately described as 'canoe obstacle course' due to the many sweepers, and took 8 hours including an hour on shore for lunch. The GPS track looks like a set of mountain switchbacks, so this will be a great opportunity to practice your turns. I am encouraging everyone to have a saw handy, but hopefully that big flood event in the third week of February washed away a lot, much like the Upper Credit last weekend, where the smaller branches remained at least 2 feet above the water line. Sorry about the late notice. Water levels appear very good for Sunday. The forecast is sunny and a high of 8C. Here is the gauge; station 02HC025

The Basics
Event Location: 
Bolton to Kleinburg Ontario
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, April 29, 2018 - 09:00
Registration Cut Off: 
Event Duration: 
Roughly 7 hours on the river.
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Maximum Group Size: 
8 boats
Minimum Group Size: 
Emmy, Ginger and myself
Itinerary description: 

We will meet at the put-in (Dicks Dam Park, Bolton) for 9am and shuttle to the take-out which is nearby. The boats should be back on the cars and headed home for dinner by 6:00pm.

Required Items to Bring: 

Bag lunch. Warm clothing.
Dry change of clothes.
Water shoes or high boots, expect some wading. The river is generally very shallow.
A hand saw.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

A hand saw.
Cell phone.
Sunscreen as the weather forecast is very good.
A dry-suit is good for warmth but a wetsuit is probably not useful.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Bolton is North on #50 past the end of #427, or at the junction of #50 & King Road.
The put in is from Dicks Dam Park. In Bolton, drive down into the Humber River valley, cross the river and turn left onto Hickman Street. There is a parking lot at the intersection of Glasgow Road and Hickman.

The take out is at the end of Humber Bridge Trail outside of Kleinburg.
On the East side of #27 at Major Mackenzie Drive.

Cross between Highways #50 and #27 using Nashville Road.

See directions here.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Matthew Eberly

Lower Mad Wine and Cheese Float

Join us for the almost annual spring paddle/wine and cheese party and find out why reasonably intelligent and mature persons subject themselves to the vicissitudes of spring canoe camping. We paddle from above Aumond Rapids to Griffith, a distance of only 28 km. The pace is leisurely with only Sunday being a full day of paddling and most of it spent on the Snake Rapids section of the river. Lots of time to play, socialize and nibble.Rapids range from Class 1-4 with the ability to portage most and there are 2 portages around waterfalls.Water levels are usually high and cold. In the past we have had rain, sleet and snow...all in the same day so intermediate level paddlers must be dressed and equipped for al eventualities. Limit 6 tandem boats with some priority for new and newish members.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Lower Madawaska River
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, May 19, 2018 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
when full
Event Duration: 
3 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
members in tandem boats
Maximum Group Size: 
6 boats
Minimum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

see above
contact me directly for details;

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Larry Durst

Black River at Washago


The Black River empties into Lake Simcoe south of Washago. There is a fun short section from the HWY 169 bridge crossing to the next concession road crossing to the west where the river loops around through a number of small rapids separated by flat sections. The section ends with an optional more challenging technical chute, followed by a Class 2 rollercoaster ride. This is an ideal spot for budding moving water paddlers to get some experience, and practice ferries and eddy turns. I'm happy do give informal pointers, and we're in no rush. The section of river is short enough that if you get cold or wet, you can quickly paddle out. However, if you want to work the section, you can play all afternoon. As a bonus, we meet at 11:00 so you don't have to haul yourself out of bed early to get there. We'll also finish around 3:00, so plenty of time to get back to the family dinner. Bring a lunch and we'll eat on the river. As the water will still be cold, you will need a wetsuit or drysuit. This is a relaxed day of paddling play & practice on a fun,

forgiving stretch of river.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Black River at Washago
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, April 21, 2018 - 11:00
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Required Items to Bring: 

Whitewater boat with air bag flotation. Drysuit or wetsuit. Lunch.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Take HWY 48 north to HWY 12. Then north on 12 to just past the village of Brechin, where you exit right onto HWY 169. Follow HWY 169 north for about 10 minutes to where the Black River goes under the highway. We put in on the northwest side of the bridge. Then, we do a 5 minute car shuttle to the bridge at the first concession road to the west.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Summer Weekend at Palmer Rapids, Lower Madawaska River--Full


Just another relaxing summer weekend at Palmer Rapids on the Madawaska River. We stay at local farmer Harold Jessup's campsite right on the river at the rapids. This is an enjoyable weekend for novice or better moving water paddlers. Probably more people have had their first taste of moving water here than in any other spot in Ontario. There are a couple of sets of Class 1-2 rapids almost outside your tent door. I'm happy to give some informal paddling pointers to new river runners. If the water levels are good, more adventurous types might want to get together to take a run down the Lower Madawaska on Sunday.

For families, there's a sandy beach where the kids can play or swim. For those who aren't into paddling, there are restaurants and interesting shops nearby in Wilno and Barry's Bay.

We're going to be there from Friday afternoon to Monday, but you can come & camp or go at any time.

You will need a whitewater canoe with flotation, and a helmet, along with the usual PFD and paddle. Canoes can be rented nearby at Paddler Co-op (see their website www.paddlerco-op.com), or from Madawaska River Rentals (see their website www.MadRiverRentals.ca ), or from Don Adams in Griffith, who will even deliver to Jessup's for a fee (613-333-2240). If renting, tell them you want thigh straps in the canoe. It will make a huge amount of difference to your control.

For those looking to escape camp cookery, try the famous Wilno Tavern: http://www.wilnotavern.com/index.php

The Wilno has a Polish buffet Saturday nights that will fill any hungry paddler. There are also some other good restaurants in Barry's Bay.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Palmer Rapids, Lower Madawaska River
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, June 29, 2018 - 17:00
Event Duration: 
3 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Required Items to Bring: 

You need a whitewater canoe with flotation bags, etc.-as described above.
The campsite provides basic facilities of some picnic tables, outhouses, and water pump. It's car camping. We prefer to bring our Toronto water, but many prefer the well water. There is a general store and a small restaurant nearby in Palmer Rapids. Camp fees are in the range of $20-$25/tent/night.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Direction to Palmers Rapids
& Harold Jessup’s Camp Ground.
 From Peterborough - go north up Hwy 28 to Bancroft.
 In Bancroft, turn left on Hwy 62 thought Maynooth and Combermere.
 In Combermere, just over the bridge turn right on Hwy 515.
 Just after you cross over the river again on your right you will see a local road (River Bend Road) turn right here --the river is on your immediate right.
 The road goes more or less straight.
 When it makes a sharp turn to the left, there should be a one lane dirt driveway straight in front of you. You will see a wooden sign with a teepee and canoe in orange paint.
 Go up the low hill and drive along until you come to the campground.
 Look for my silver Honda Pilot with double roof racks.
 If you actually get into the village of Palmer Rapids, you've gone too far along 515, so just turn around, go back..
 The address of the campground is 266 River Bend Road.
 I believe the fee is $20-$25 / tent / night.
Google maps Palmer Rapids
Palmer Rapids Village is just to the right, off the map.
The road showing in the upper right is Jewellville Road.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Wabakimi - Northwest Wilderness Quest Part II

This trip is to be part of the Northwest Wilderness Quest by Ontario Parks. See https://www.ontarioparks.com/nwquest for complete information.
We have until October 15, 2019, to do a canoe trip for three or more nights in Quetico, Wabakimi and Woodland Caribou Ontario provincial parks.
Part one - Quetico is now complete. We had a great trip! An article in THE NASTWAGAN was published in the fall of 2017.
Part two - Wabakimi. We are now beginning to plan for a trip in the summer of 2018.
Part three - Woodland Caribou. A trip will be done there in the summer of 2019.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Wabakimi Provincial Park
Date(s) & Time: 
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
May 1, 2018
Event Duration: 
15 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Members of the WCA
Maximum Group Size: 
4 Boats
Minimum Group Size: 
2 Boats
Itinerary description: 

Specific details

It is intended that this Wabakimi route shall definitely involve some moving water and some whitewater. The length will likely be around 200 km. Including 4 days travel to and from Wabakimi, 10 to 12 days on the water (including possible layover days), the commitment would be about 16 days [2 weeks, 3 weekends]. Therefore it is likely that the rate of travel will likely average 20+ km/day. This will of course include portaging, and Wabakimi is more challenging than Quetico in that aspect.

The group will leave from southern Ontario/Toronto the weekend of either August 11th or 18th, depending on the groups decision, and finish about 16 days later.

The trip will likely begin and end in Armstrong, Ontario. Although when a specific outfitter is closen this may need to be slightly modified.

Required Items to Bring: 


Recommended Items to Bring: 


How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Personal travel to Armstrong, Ontario. We have yet to determine the details beyond that!

Carpool Info: 


Cancellation Policy: 
If you commit to the trip, and participate in the planning, you must give at least 6 weeks notice before the trip to withdraw with no financial commitments to the group.
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
iori miller
please contact me by email

Wabakimi - Wilderness Challenge Part II

This is part of an ongoing attempt to fulfill 'The Northwest Wilderness Quest' by Ontario Parks. See https://www.ontarioparks.com/nwquest for complete information. We have three years until October 15 2019 to do a canoe trip for three or more nights in Quetico, Wabakimi and Woodland Caribou Ontario provincial parks.
Part one - Quetico is now complete.
Part two - Wabakimi. The planning is now in progress. Gary James headed up Part One and may participate in Part two. At present there is no waiting list as 6 of the 8 paddlers going are already confirmed with me (trip leader - Iori Miller) and others have interest have already been in contact. The choice of route is in progress but will include moving water and maybe some whitewater (no more than class II).
Part three - summer of 2019

This is a WCA trip and membership is required.
Everyone attending will have to agree with the WCA waiver of liability too.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Wabakimi Provincial Park
Date(s) & Time: 
Monday, February 26, 2018 - 16:57
Registration Cut Off: 
May 1, 2018
Event Duration: 
10 -12 Paddling Days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
All WCA members
Maximum Group Size: 
4 boats
Minimum Group Size: 
2 boats
Itinerary description: 

10 to 12 days paddling
2 days layover possibly
Possibly using a train on either the route in, or out.
When? - Sometime in the last three weeks in August.

Required Items to Bring: 


Recommended Items to Bring: 


How to Get There
Event Directions: 


Carpool Info: 


Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Iori Miller
Use my email

Moira River--Re-scheduled Again

We've had to cancel our annual Moira run twice now due to Old Man Winter's refusal to let go of his frigid grip on us this year. We're going to take one last shot at it on Saturday April 28. Whether we can go or not will be very rainfall dependent. So no promises. To know how things are shaping up, check the Moira River gauge at Foxboro:

 https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/report/real_time_e.html?stn=02HL001   Paste in this address, click on "I agree" to the disclaimer, and you will see the online gauge readings. If the water level on the left side of the graph is 7.8 m or higher, it will be doable. We should have a good idea by the Wednesday before the trip. 

On a spring day, the Moira River north of Belleville provides a fun paddling trip from Lost Channel to Latta.

The river provides a great opportunity for good novice moving water paddlers to move up to an intermediate level river. We'll meet at Chisholm's Mill at 9:30, do a car shuttle, and then warm up the easier lower section down to Latta. The rapids are not difficult; just a fun rollercoaster ride, with some surfing waves along the way. We'll go back to Chisholm's for lunch at the cars, and then do a shuttle to run the more technical and challenging Lost Channel section. We should finish up around 4:00, and then we traditionally hit the nearby Maple Dale Cheese store along the highway for ice cream and cheese. (Real Canucks can buy cheese curds here for homemade poutine.)


Boats should have full flotation, and you will need a wetsuit or drysuit as the water will be cold.

Please note that as at the time of posting the river levels and weather cannot be predicted, the date could be changed if levels are not suitable or the weather is inclement. I like to play, and float along chatting with people. My idea of a fun outing isn't paddling in freezing rain muttering to each other "don't worry, we'll soon be finished if we hurry." So if you sign up, you needn't worry that you are committing to a survival exercise-just a fun day.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Moira River, north of Belleville
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, April 28, 2018 - 09:30
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Maximum Group Size: 
8 boats
Itinerary description: 

We'll meet in the parking area by the river across the bridge from Chisholm's Mill at 9:30. Full day's itinerary is above.

Required Items to Bring: 

Full floatation for canoes. Wetsuit or drysuit. Lunch can stay in car. Just bring any snack or drink that you may want for the morning or afternoon runs.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Take Exit #544 north from Hwy 401 at Belleville. Go north to the village of Roslin. Turn right onto Shannonville Rd. Go about 2 km and you will see the mill and the river. Go over the bridge, and turn right into the parking area.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Lower Credit River


Join me on this classic early spring favourite of Toronto area paddlers. We’ll catch the Credit in Streetsville and run down to the mouth at Port Credit. The river is a delightful continuous class 1 to 2 with lots big bouncy wave trains and play spots. There are loads of opportunities to practice easy ferries and eddy turns as we work our way down the river. However, downed trees over the winter can create sweepers, and participants need to be able to manoeuvre a canoe in moving water to avoid them. As well, the water will be cold. You should have solid basic moving water skills, and wear a wetsuit or drysuit. Boats should have air bags in them. We'll have lunch on the river at a park near Dundas Street, so bring something to eat. We usually finish the trip around 3 PM.


If the weather is unfavourable on the Friday, we'll re-schedule the trip for the Saturday. It's not much fun paddling in cold rain.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Lower Credit River, Streetsville
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, March 30, 2018 - 09:00
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Maximum Group Size: 
8 boats
Required Items to Bring: 

Whitewater canoe or kayak. Wetsuit or drysuit. Airbags for canoe. Lunch-thermos recommended as weather can be cool.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

We meet at the put-in at 9:00 am. Exit south from HWY 401 onto Mississauga Rd./Erin Mills Parkway. Follow Mississauga Rd. south into Streetsville, where it becomes called Queen St. Follow Queen to just south of Thomas St., then turn left onto Church St. (just past the church, of course). Follow Church around a curve & you'll see the river on the right. Vic Johnston Community Centre is on right, and just south of it is a park, which is where we put in. Washroom facilities in the community centre are open to the public. We do a shuttle with the objective of getting as many cars at the take-out as possible so we can car pool back to the start and no one has to sit around.
Consequently, roof racks capable of carrying more than one boat are appreciated. Lunch is on the river around Dundas St. We should reach the lake around 3 pm.
For the car shuttle, from the arena go back out to Queen St. Turn left (south). Queen changes into Mississauga Rd. Follow it south to Port Credit. Turn left just after going under the railway bridge, onto Front St. Park on Front across from Port Credit Canoe Club building or adjacent streets. At the end of our trip, take out at the canoe club dock, and do a short carry to the car.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Upper Credit River - Full

Join us for an early spring run (water levels permitting) on the Credit from Inglewood to Glen Williams. Suitable for novices but some competence in moving water is helpful.There are two weirs we must pull over, two other obstacles which generally can be run and possible sweepers to be navigated. A potluck dinner will follow - location to be determined.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Credit River....bridge at Inglewood...details will be emailed
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, April 8, 2018 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
April 1
Event Duration: 
one day event
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
all WCA members
Maximum Group Size: 
Minimum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

all boats unloaded and cars ready to shuttle by 9:30 a.m. Begin paddle by 11 a.m. There will be a lunch stop on the river, so bring your lunch with you. We should be finished between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. and then we will head to a home in the area for a post paddle potluck. Further info will be emailed to all participants.

Required Items to Bring: 

boat, paddles, PFD, lunch, change of clothes in waterproof bag. If you don't have a boat we may be able to find one for you.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Inglewood is close to Hwy 10 and Olde Baseline Road north of Brampton. We will provide more detail by email.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Barb & Dave Young

Summer Weekend at Palmer Rapids, Lower Madawaska River


Just another relaxing summer weekend at Palmer Rapids on the Madawaska River. We stay at local farmer Harold Jessup's campsite right on the river at the rapids. This is an enjoyable weekend for novice or better moving water paddlers. Probably more people have had their first taste of moving water here than in any other spot in Ontario. There are a couple of sets of Class 1-2 rapids almost outside your tent door. I'm happy to give some informal paddling pointers to new river runners. If the water levels are good, more adventurous types might want to get together to take a run down the Lower Madawaska on Sunday.

For families, there's a sandy beach where the kids can play or swim. For those who aren't into paddling, there are restaurants and interesting shops nearby in Wilno and Barry's Bay.

We're going to be there from Friday afternoon to Monday, but you can come & camp or go at any time.

You will need a whitewater canoe with flotation, and a helmet, along with the usual PFD and paddle. Canoes can be rented nearby at Paddler Co-op (see their website www.paddlerco-op.com), or from Madawaska River Rentals (see their website www.MadRiverRentals.ca ), or from Don Adams in Griffith, who will even deliver to Jessup's for a fee (613-333-2240). If renting, tell them you want thigh straps in the canoe. It will make a huge amount of difference to your control.

For those looking to escape camp cookery, try the famous Wilno Tavern: http://www.wilnotavern.com/index.php

 The Wilno has a Polish buffet Saturday nights that will fill any hungry paddler. There are also some other good restaurants in Barry's Bay.

Please register as soon as possible so I can reserve a group camping area.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Palmer Rapids, Lower Madawaska River
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, June 30, 2017 - 17:00
Event Duration: 
3 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Required Items to Bring: 

You need a whitewater canoe with flotation bags, etc.-as described above.
The campsite provides basic facilities of some picnic tables, outhouses, and water pump. It's car camping. We prefer to bring our Toronto water, but many prefer the well water. There is a general store and a small restaurant nearby in Palmer Rapids. Camp fees are in the range of $20-$25/tent/night.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Direction to Palmers Rapids
& Harold Jessup’s Camp Ground.
 From Peterborough - go north up Hwy 28 to Bancroft.
 In Bancroft, turn left on Hwy 62 thought Maynooth and Combermere.
 In Combermere, just over the bridge turn right on Hwy 515.
 Just after you cross over the river again on your right you will see a local road (River Bend Road) turn right here --the river is on your immediate right.
 The road goes more or less straight.
 When it makes a sharp turn to the left, there should be a one lane dirt driveway straight in front of you. You will see a wooden sign with a teepee and canoe in orange paint.
 Go up the low hill and drive along until you come to the campground.
 Look for my silver Honda Pilot with double roof racks.
 If you actually get into the village of Palmer Rapids, you've gone too far along 515, so just turn around, go back..
 The address of the campground is 266 River Bend Road.
 I believe the fee is $20-$25 / tent / night.
Google maps Palmer Rapids
Palmer Rapids Village is just to the right, off the map.
The road showing in the upper right is Jewellville Road.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness
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