Book by April 10. See Black River – Queensborough at
http://www.boatwerks.net/whitewater/running.php. This is not the same river
as the Black River at Washago. This Lower Black runs from Queensborough to
Hwy #7, north-west of Tweed, and east of Madoc. It is 10.5 km of grade I to
IV rapids. The more serious ones can be and at least one will be portaged.
The river is primarily pool and drop, but a number of the rapids are longish
and narrow and require the ability to maneuver a canoe at an intermediate
level in whitewater. There will be some eddies that you must hit, and some
definite lines that you must run. The book ‘Eastern Ontario White Water
Rivers’ ranks this river as the next step above the Moira. If you are not
comfortable running the Lost Channel section of the Moira, you will not be
comfortable here. On the other hand, it is a fun run on a pretty section of
river. There will probably still be some snow in the bush and the water will
be cold. Tandem canoes must have a center airbag. Wetsuits or drysuits and
helmets are required. Limit 5 canoes.