Running the Lower section of the Missinaibi River from Mattice to Moosonee. 27 June is travel day to Mattice. We leave the morning of 28 June. We aim to catch the Polar Bear Express train from Moosonee to Cochrane on 11 or 12 July.
27 June Day 0: Arrive Mattice Municipal Campground 28 June Day 1: BLACK FEATHER RAPIDS 29 June Day 2: BARE ROCK POINT 30 June Day 3: THUNDERHOUSE FALLS 1 July Day 4: Rest day 2 July Day 5: BELL’S BAY 3 July Day 6: PIWABISKAU RIVER 4 July Day 7: MARTEN ISLAND 5 July Day 8: UNNAMED ISLAND 6 July Day 9: PORTAGE ISLAND 7 July Day 10: Rest day 8 July Day 11: UNNAMED ISLANDS 9 July Day 12: UNNAMED ISLAND 10 July Day 13: MOOSONEE 11 July Day 14: POLAR BEAR EXPRESS to COCHRANE
Whitewater canoe; helmet, PFD, 2 x paddles, bailer, throw rope & river knife, positive attitude, teamwork. Detailed equipment discussions to be conducted during planning meetings via Zoom.
Bug tent. Bug jacket. Bug headnet. Bug spray.
We will meet up together in Mattice. Details to be discussed in Zoom.
To reduce costs in shuttling vehicles, we will make maximum use of carpooling, which will be coordinated through our planning meetings on Zoom.
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