Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park and the Amable du Fond River
For the weekend of Friday 23 May to Sunday 25 May, 2025; we have reserved campsites 12 and 13 at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park. This is for the explicit purpose of running whitewater canoes down the Amable du Fond River, from Kiosk in Algonquin back to the campground.
The itinerary is to meet in the campground at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park for Friday evening; drive to Kiosk and run the river back down to Moore Lake on Saturday; then retrieve any cars if necessary and depart on Sunday.
Research for the river is spotty. Below a dam at Kiosk, there is a portage around a 10 ft falls, one around a small hydro dam, and around the Eau Claire Gorge. At the exit from Smith Lake there is just a portage in between the two single lane bridges that you encounter near the start of Hwy 630. Frank Wolf says there are two falls. I don't have much indication for the locations of anything, thus we will need a strong scout boat. There are exactly two videos on YouTube and they both show continuous, long stretches of Class 2 and Class 3. So it is roughly equivalent to the Opeongo River. Distance is 23 miles.