2015 Paddle the Don River event
Join us once again on Sunday May 3, 2015 for Paddle the Don River. It is an all day event. Early morning launch from Ernest Thompson Seton Park to the mouth at the Keating Channel. There are three weirs to portage. Depending on your skill and water levels you maybe able to run the third weir. At the take-out there will be a party area. Bus transportation is provide back to the cars to bring down and get your canoe. You can go to the website and register to pay and just paddle. http://paddlethedon.ca *** WANTED ***Or you can join the WCA Weir Watchers and Scouts teams to "do our good deed" for the day and help people in and out of the canoes and provide some river safety. Mary Perkins and I are assisting the TRCA once again on behalf of the WCA. Please call on us if you have any more questions. **** WEIR WATCHERS YOU MUST SIGN UP WITH GARY JAMES VIA EMAIL FOR THIS EVENT **