Moira River Playday

Due to our rainy spring the Moira has remained at high spring levels, and we will get a chance for a May Day paddle on it. Hopefully, the weather and water will have warmed up a bit by then, making it an excellent opportunity to get out and do mellow some river play. We'll meet at Chisholm's Mill at 9:00 and do a run down the easier lower section, which is mainly long sections of Class 1-2 with lots of rollercoaster waves to go for a ride on. After lunch, we'll drive up to Lost Channel to run this shorter but more intense section, which has an interesting long Class 2-3 rapid. For first time Moira paddlers, we can have a look at it on the car shuttle to the put-in, and you can easily walk it if you don't like what you see. This trip is a great one for those with good novice skills who want to move up to an intermediate level river.