
Apr 20-22 Kawarthas Cancelled

Cancelled due to low water

From Friday to Sunday we will be running the Lower Black, Beaver Creek and the Moira. These beautiful Kawartha rivers are suitable for advanced C3 paddlers and hopefully the weather will be warm and sunny. email us to signup

Participants Signed up :
Jay & Frank Knaapen
Attila Barbacsy

The Basics
Event Location: 
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, April 20, 2012 (All day)
Event Duration: 
1 - 3 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Required Items to Bring: 

Fully outfitted whitewater boats and full body wet/dry suits.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson & Frank Knaapen

Bazin River - June 17-23 Partner Wanted

Book before May26 as we will be away June1-14.
Marc McCabe of Michigan is looking for a tandem partner. Marc paddled with
us on our wonderful Agawa River trip, a few years ago.

The Bazin River from Parent to the Gatineau River is 125 kilometers of beautiful whitewater suitable for advanced paddlers. The Bazin is mostly C1-2 with lots of C3 rapids, and two C4-5 rapids which can be run or portaged. There are no FALLS on this river and the approaches to the C4 rapids appear to offer good advanced warning for scouting, though many of the rapids will only offer boat scouting. There is a long flat stretch but with high water levels this should not be too difficult for solo paddlers. We will paddle 4 days on the Bazin (25K per day) and 1 day on the Gatineau to take out at Pike Rapid. We will put in at Parent on Saturday afternoon after arranging to have our cars driven from Parent to the take out. The trip will end at about lunch time on Friday. There is an excellent map of the BAZIN on www.cartespleinair.org select CARTES and scroll down till you find the BAZIN.
Contact organizer directly by email. No online registratations can be accepted.

Participants Signed Up:
Jay & Frank Knaapen
Mark McCabe - looking for a partner

The Basics
Event Location: 
Parent, Quebec
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, June 17, 2012 (All day)
Event Duration: 
7 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Itinerary description: 

We will meet in Mont St Michel on Saturday for lunch at 1pm and drive to Parent put in after registering at ZEC and finalizing the car shuttle arrangements, then paddle to the first campsite below Parent.

Required Items to Bring: 

Fully outfitted whitewater canoes.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

spray deck cover recommended

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Drive to Mont St Michel which is north of Ottawa and north of Mont Laurier.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay and Frank Knaapen

Palmer Rapids for the Civic Holiday Weekend

Similar to the Canada Day weekend, except the water will be lower and warmer. Just a relaxed summer weekend of camping and paddling. See the Canada Day Weekend description for driving instructions, etc.
We may go up on Friday afternoon. Feel free to arrive and leave as convenient. We'll be here all weekend.
Note the the water level needs to be at least 30 cms to have fun. If it's below that, we'll go to the Minden Wildwater Preserve for the weekend.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Palmer Rapids, Madawaska River
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, July 30, 2011 (All day)
Event Duration: 
3 Days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Maximum Group Size: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Ottawa River Whitewater

We will be paddling the oTtawa river on Sunday, as we have 2 boats and a car shuttle, so if you would like to join us phone 613-687-6037. The Ottawa is a challenging big water river with safe recovery as the rapids are far apart, a great opportunity to rock and roll thru very big waves. Of course there are portage options as well. We will meet at 10 a.m. at the OWL Put IN. I only get email at the local library so phone is best at this last minute event.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Ottawa River
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, July 24, 2011 - 10:00
Registration Cut Off: 
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Maximum Group Size: 
Minimum Group Size: 
2 boats
Required Items to Bring: 

Fully equipped whitewater canoes with flotation

Recommended Items to Bring: 

Lunch and drinking water

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay & Frank

Petawawa River - Lake Travers to McManus

We'll be heading to Algonquin Park to run the Petawawa River from Lake Travers to McManus
The campsites have been booked (Travers, Crooked Chute, Schooner Raps,McManus)
The sites have been selected to provide lots of time to play in the rapids and do some fishing.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Algonquin Park - Petawawa River - Lake Travers to McManus
Date(s) & Time: 
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 14:00
Registration Cut Off: 
Event Duration: 
5 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Members with whitewater and back country camping skills and equipment
Maximum Group Size: 
9 people
Minimum Group Size: 
2 boats
Itinerary description: 

Aug 17 Drive up and meet at East side of Algonquin Park at the Algonquin Portage store at 1352 Barron Canyon Road at 2 pm.
Aug18-20 run the river
Aug 21 car shuttle and drive home.

Required Items to Bring: 

White water gear + canoe
Back country gear
Personnel Food
PFD, helmet, throw rope, bailer

Recommended Items to Bring: 

Camera, fishing gear, suntan lotion, bug spray

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

See me.

Carpool Info: 


Cancellation Policy: 
Sign up only if you are 100% sure you will attend.
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Gary Ataman

GatFest - Gatineau Wildwater Festival

GatFest offers a 'co-ordinated' opportunity to paddle Gatineau wildwater rapids with the backup of rafts and many other paddlers. We have reserved early, a beach site on the Gatineau River at Bonnet Rouge Rafting/Camping which also offers meals, (instead of camping at the high school in Maniwaki). Information on the GatFest website www.gatineau.org includes registration options, so book early!

There will be a ton of people, and, as a bonus, rafting is only $60. The Gatineau rapids are powerful big river rapids so C3 skills and fully outfitted WW boats is mandatory, though water levels are reasonable at the moment. This is a great venue for connecting with awesome paddlers. If you want to join us as a mini-team - Email J&Frank at jneilson@nrtco.net or tel. 613-687-6037

The Basics
Event Location: 
Gatineau River
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, August 27, 2011 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
Event Duration: 
2 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Maximum Group Size: 
Minimum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

We will meet at the Gatfest Camping area, Friday night, or early Sat morning.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Refer to GatFest website

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson & Frank Knaapen

Black River-Washago

The Black River at HWY 169 just south of Washago has an intersting section that packs half a dozen Class 1-2 rapids into the distance of only a couple of km. It's an ideal spot for budding moving water paddlers to learn to ferry, eddy turn and surf in a non-threatening environment. For more experienced paddlers, it provides a good practice work-out, and if the water is high enough, there are some gnarlier bits on some of the side-channels. This trip is always a low-key, relaxed day for practicing, learning and socializing. A pleasant way to get to meet some other WCA members if you're new to the club. The water should be warming up by then, but you'll at least want to have a wetsuit.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Black River- Washago
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, May 8, 2011 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
May 5, 2011
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Itinerary description: 

Meet at put-in at 11:00. We'll have a lunch on the river, and finish around 3 or 4, depending on how much play you want to do. Buy cheap gas on way home.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

Empty gas tank. There are a couple of cheap gas stations on HWY 48 north of Bloomington Rd., plus a cheap outlet on HWY 12 at Beaverton.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

HWY 48 north to HWY 12 north. Just north of the village of Brechin, take the Y junction to the right to continue north on HWY 169. Keep going till you reach the bridge over the Black where we put-in.
Meet 11:00. We'll do the very short car shuttle. For the car shuttle, just go north to the first side road & turn left. Then left at the next road, and you'll hit the next bridge. Alternate shuttle route is to go south from put-in, take first right, and follow side road around to the bridge. It's easy- i'ts just a 5 minute loop trip. We'll probably finish up around 3 or 4 pm, depending on how much people want to play. The trip is about 2 hours from Toronto.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Moira River Playday

Due to our rainy spring the Moira has remained at high spring levels, and we will get a chance for a May Day paddle on it. Hopefully, the weather and water will have warmed up a bit by then, making it an excellent opportunity to get out and do mellow some river play. We'll meet at Chisholm's Mill at 9:00 and do a run down the easier lower section, which is mainly long sections of Class 1-2 with lots of rollercoaster waves to go for a ride on. After lunch, we'll drive up to Lost Channel to run this shorter but more intense section, which has an interesting long Class 2-3 rapid. For first time Moira paddlers, we can have a look at it on the car shuttle to the put-in, and you can easily walk it if you don't like what you see. This trip is a great one for those with good novice skills who want to move up to an intermediate level river.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Moira River
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, May 1, 2011 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
April 28
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Itinerary description: 

Chisholm's Mill to Latta in the morning. Then lunch at the cars and a drive up to Lost Channel. We should be finished between 3 & 4, depending on how much people want to play. Afterwards, we hit the dairy in Latta for some excellent local cheese, maple syrup, and ice cream.

Required Items to Bring: 

You need a river boat with air bags. Some of the rapids are long, and if the boat does go over, we want to be able to recover it easily. As the water is still going to be chilly, you should have a full wetsuit or a drysuit. We'll have lunch after the morning section at our cars, so you don't have to carry one with you. However, you'll want to bring a snack & drink.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Meet 9 am at Chisholm's Mills. Exit HWY 401 in Belleville onto HWY 37 north (Exit # 544). Go north on 37 to the village of Shannonville. Turn right onto Shannonville Rd. This goes east for a km or two, and then makes a right angle turn to go south. You'll hit Chisholm's Mills and the river. Parking is in a little parkette on the south side of the river. We shuttle and paddle down to Latta.
For the curious who want to eyeball the upper section on a map, for the put in, follow 37 north to Chapman & Bethel Rd. Go right on Bethel, over the west branch of the river, and then turn right to go down Carss Rd. for about a km & you'll hit the river. We paddle down to where Esker Rd. comes along the north side of the river.
Driving time from central Toronto is about 2.5 hr. if you don't have a lead foot.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Bill Ness

Petawawa Wildwater - Lake Travers to McManus

The Petawawa will be HUGE on the long weekend, and the ice will be going out late this year. There are portage for all of the C3 rapids. This is an awesome opportunity to watch some of Ontario's best paddlers tackle some really tough runs. Rollway is the longest toughest wildwater ride in the Near North. If your one of those best we will support you at the bottom! At high water there are miles of C2 rapids that provide some challenging maneouvring. Suitable for advanced C2 paddlers who are comfortable maneouvring in big waves, and experts of course. Do not use auto-signup as we do not have internet at our home. Phone or email us to confirm participation.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Algonquin Park - Achray Rd Gate - Lake Travers Access
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, May 21, 2011 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
May 17
Event Duration: 
3 days, Saturday to Monday
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Advanced C2 paddlers.
Maximum Group Size: 
4 tents
Minimum Group Size: 
1 tent 'ours'
Itinerary description: 

Stay at our place on Friday night if you want to arrive late, or on Lake Travers if you want to arrive early. We have a large waterfront home nearby. Enjoy docktails and a BBQ. Arrive anytime late. We will leave early 7:30 a.m. on Saturday after a hearty breakfast. We will organize group dinners. You bring your own breakfast and lunches.

Required Items to Bring: 

Fully outfitted WW boats, ABS recommended ... can be rented at Algonquin Portage Store on Achray Road. Helmets and Full Body Wet/dry suits are mandatory for rapids as water is hypothermic this weekend. Neoprene gloves and booties.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

Bug Shirt. Personal First Aid. We carry First Aid and Z-drag.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Phone us for directions.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson and Frank Knaapen

Petawawa River - Lake Travers to McManus

A glorious river on the east side of Algonquin Park. There are portages for the 5 big monsters which will hopefully be mostly runnable C3, miles of C2 rapids, including 5-Mile, Schooner, and swifts. The portages can be shortened by partial runs at most of the big 5. This is a scenic river for hands-on C2 intermediate skills. There are 'safe' opportunities for C3 challenges, such as Little Thompson and lower Crooked Chute, both ending in safe pools for intrepid C2 paddlers. Do NOT use online sign-up, phone or email us for information and to confirm participation as we do not have internet at our rural home.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Algonquin Park - Achray Road - Lake Travers Access
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, June 3, 2011 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
Book by June 1st
Event Duration: 
3 days - Friday to Sunday
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Intermediate C2 Paddlers
Maximum Group Size: 
4 tents
Minimum Group Size: 
1 tent (ours)
Itinerary description: 

To accommodate late Thursday night arrivals, stay at our waterfront palace nearby - enjoy docktails and a BBQ ... arrive any time ... We will leave for the gate by about 7:30 a.m. to get an early start across Lake Travers.

Required Items to Bring: 

Fully outfitted WW boats - ABS - recommended. Can be rented at Algonquin Portage Store on Achray Road. Helmet and Full Body Wet or Dry suits are mandatory at the rapids (not on the lakes). The water is still cold, and any complicated boat rescue could mean standing a long time in very cold water. We will organize group dinners. U provide your breakfast and lunches. Personal First Aid. We carry First Aid and Z-Drag steel cable to rip the seat outa your boat.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

BUG Shirt. Bug Spray. If you plan to run Rollway, bring a center airbag as it may save your bacon and make it a lot easier to rescue your boat before it ends up at the Natch. You will be portaging your packs as we do not want to chase gear on this river.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Phone us for directions.

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jay Neilson and Frank Knaapen
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