Winter Pool Training Sessions--Full
For all you new as well as experienced whitewater paddlers, we have rented Albert Campbell CI swimming pool in Scarborough again for winter pool training sessions. This is a great opportunity to practice your paddling technique and your roll, or just plain work-out so you're in shape when you hit the spring rivers. OC-1, C-1, or kayaks welcome. If you are having problems with your roll, we can help you. We have 10 rentals of 1.5 hours each from Sunday January 5 to Sunday March 8.Time: 5:30-7:00 p.m. For just $140 for your share of the rental cost, you can have a whole winter of learning and paddling fun. Please contact me to register as soon as possible as space is very limited.
Cheques should be payable to me as I'm paying the rental fee; not the club.
Sorry, but you can't register on-line. You have to contact me personally if you want to join in so I can manage the organization effectively. Thanks.