We had run this trip for 15 years, the last year being 2019. Since the pandemic and a kitchen renovation we’d let it slide…until the wine and cheese in 2024 when we got a number of requests to resurrect it. So, we are back on… This very popular trip seems to be a great draw for all levels of paddlers to enjoy perfect weather (most times), portage free paddling, and a barbeque that follows our outing. This is a wonderful day to enjoy an easy moving water river and to socialize with other WCA’ers. The trip will start in south Cambridge where we will put in and then paddle to Paris. We will pass through scenic farm country, stop at the ruins of a supposedly haunted mill, negotiate some easy grade one water, and stop for lunch along the way. Those interested are welcome to join us back at our house in Cambridge for some food, beverage, and social time.
Please join us for the 2025 WCA Fall Gathering! When: October 3rd to 5th, 2025, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Where: Paddler Co-op at Palmer Rapids https://maps.app.goo.gl/ENEs8SQY76WHiGqw5/ Bring your own food, drink, camping gear. Gary 905-922-1434, Chris M.519-878-9358, Thomas C. 416-209-3271 (one of us can help you) Paddler Co-op rentals call Ryan at 613-758-2772. Camping just show up and pay in the office. Preliminary Itinerary: Friday evening: -- campsite setup -- group campfire Saturday: -- instructional session -- flatwater outing -- whitewater outing -- dinner out at local establishment -- evening trip presentation session in Boat House (contact organizers if you want like to make presentation) Sunday morning: -- excursion or hike to be determined General Info: Bring your own food, drink, camping gear. Participants should reserve a campsite through Paddler Co-op website (see below). See Paddle Co-op website for camping/rental costs and other details. Note There is a once a year Co-op camping membership fee. Sorry no discount on this. $16. Note there is a food store in Palmer Rapids (5 km away) and Combermere (7 km away) and local restaurants.
We will be a group of 8. We currently have 4, probably 5. Generally all decisions on the river will be decided by consensus, UNLESS there is a safety issue at play. On average we will do 20-25 km/day, which should be easy as this is generally a fast moving river. We will have 2-3 days off to hike ... this will definitely be a component of this trip. All meals will be shared, and to some extent dietary restrictions will be accommodated -- within reason. The Hart is NOT extreme whitewater ... some prior experience would be required. Braiding and tight river bends are common on this river -- all northern rivers should not be underestimated. We will take the time to scout rapids when possible. Choosing a group for a trip such as this must be done carefully to ensure everyone shares the same vision of what success is. If you are interested in this trip contact the organizer at the email given below. Please be patient -- the process of collecting the right group of individuals takes time and vetting. The transportation (shuttle and floatplanes), and the canoe gear, and the accommodation in Whitehorse are already booked. We will have some meetings (perhaps some by Zoom?) to organize this trip. Presently, it looks like our expenses from Whitehorse forward will cost just over $3000 cdn. Two of us on this trip have paddled 4+ far north trips in Western Canada before. We can help, within reason, people are new to this aspect of canoeing. You need, however, to be fairly fit, healthy, and have the right gear to undertake a trip such as this.
For the weekend of Friday 23 May to Sunday 25 May, 2025; we have reserved campsites 12 and 13 at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park. This is for the explicit purpose of running whitewater canoes down the Amable du Fond River, from Kiosk in Algonquin back to the campground.
The itinerary is to meet in the campground at Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park for Friday evening; drive to Kiosk and run the river back down to Moore Lake on Saturday; then retrieve any cars if necessary and depart on Sunday.
Research for the river is spotty. Below a dam at Kiosk, there is a portage around a 10 ft falls, one around a small hydro dam, and around the Eau Claire Gorge. At the exit from Smith Lake there is just a portage in between the two single lane bridges that you encounter near the start of Hwy 630. Frank Wolf says there are two falls. I don't have much indication for the locations of anything, thus we will need a strong scout boat. There are exactly two videos on YouTube and they both show continuous, long stretches of Class 2 and Class 3. So it is roughly equivalent to the Opeongo River. Distance is 23 miles.
My grandaughter will be at daycamp at Paddler's Co-op this summer so during the day I will be paddling. Wednesday afternoon is quiet on the Middle Madawaska (usually) except for a few locals and a couple of rafts while MKC clients have a rest afternoon.
It is a great opportunity to paddle there with less traffic and enjoy the regulated summer flow. Novices can maybe meet us at Chalet Rapids for some laps while Intermediates can enjoy the full run once or twice.
Come to Huron County and enjoy some early spring day trips. Each year is different and no gaurantees on weather or water levels so the itinerary is made up last moment. The desired trips are the Bayfield, Priceville section of the Saugeen and Benmiller section of the Maitland. Backup trips with lower levels will be the Saugeen and Maitland.
Come for one day or three. For those who would like accommodations, Camp Kintail has cabins. $32/night, $19/supper and $14/breakfast. Available for Friday night, Saturday breakfast, supper and night, Sunday breakfast. Bring a warm sleeping bag.
This is nice stretch of river for an easy wilderness float trip down the Grand River. There are a few swifts and one easy class 1+ rapid on this stretch. Water levels this time of year should still be moderate. When I did this section a few years ago, there was a great variety of bird life including ospreys, great blue herons and egrets.