Social Events

Turkey Time Canoe & Social - updated

October 16 to 18 2015. Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park - Bottle Lake - Site 106 and second site 105 are now booked. We have a few spaces left on the second site. Emmy Hendrickx has volunteered to manage the second site with me, thank you. We are trying a new location this year. Entry at access point # 7 - Bottle Lake off of Beaver Lake Road. There is a short 181 m portage to the lake. Canoe across the lake to the sites and that is all the canoeing required. These sites have been recommended with nice beaches. Once again the focus of the trip with be on gourmet food and the Turkey.
If you are interested please contact me by e-mail or phone. To add you to the permit, we need the number of people, your age, (child, adult, senior for fees) AND (canoe colour, tent colour, license plate number). ONCE ADDED YOU ARE COMMITTED TO YOUR SHARE OF THE PERMIT FEE.
More details will be sent to the participants.
You cannot sign-up on the website, you must contact us directly.
Thanks Emmy and Gary

The Basics
Event Location: 
Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park - Bottle Lake - Site 106 & 105
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, October 16, 2015 - 12:01
Registration Cut Off: 
when each site is full - nine people each site
Event Duration: 
2.5 days
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
WCA members and family
Maximum Group Size: 
9 on each site. More on other
Minimum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

Once again the focus of the trip with be on gourmet food and Turkey.
Optional parking & entry point at # 6 - Cold lake for a longer paddle.
Canoe around Bottle Lake
Optional 80 m portage to Sucker Lake (east) and 60 m portage to Catchacoma Lake (west)

Required Items to Bring: 

Gourmet food for the group Turkey dinner to be organized.
Standard standing camp and canoe gear. It is a luxury social gathering to relax.
All other meals for yourself.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

see above. Let me know if you need a list.

How to Get There
Event Directions:
Kawartha Area. North of Buckhorn. Hwy 507 north to Beaver Lake Road.
I can send a map if you need it.

Carpool Info: 

You are on your own to arrange.

Cancellation Policy: 
If we add you to the permit, we have paid for you and you pay us.
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Gary James

Fall Turkey trip on Bentshoe Lakes September 19 to 21 2014

A social event with some flat water canoeing required. Join us once again for this Fall Festival weekend canoe trip. This year I have booked a group campsite on Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton off of hwy 118. As usual the socializing and the gourmet feast will be the themes for this trip. Canoeing will be secondary making the one short portage to the lake easy. The lake is small but big enough to explore for the day with adjoining lakes if interested. The permit fee and some other fees will be split equally among the participants. Saturday’s turkey feast with all the trimmings will be a group effort. The permit limits us to 8 tents and 16 people; I ask that you share a tent on this trip. As in previous years if we have enough interest, you can book another site on the lake and join us.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton off of hwy 118.
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, September 19, 2014 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
The first 8 tents or 16 people
Event Duration: 
Friday to Sunday, Sept 19 to 21
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
WCA members
Maximum Group Size: 
8 tents or 16 people on the
Minimum Group Size: 
main site and more on the othe
Itinerary description: 

As usual the socializing and the gourmet feast will be the themes for this trip.

In previous years overflow members have reserved other sites on the same lake and joined us for the day and feast.

Required Items to Bring: 

conversation and gourmet food. You must be willing to share a tent. You need a ride and canoe and normal canoe / camp gear for a weekend trip.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

gourmet food

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Poker Lake canoe system. Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton off of hwy 118. Group campsite # 53.
More to follow as the event approaches.

Carpool Info: 

Please make your own arrangements.

Cancellation Policy: 
I have paid in advance for the permit. If you are a no show, you still need to pay me.
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Gary James

Fall Turkey trip on Bentshoe Lakes September 27 to 29 2013 - STIIL HAVE OPENINGS

HI, WE STILL HAVE ONE OPENING FOR A LADY ON THE MAIN SITE. WE ALSO HAVE ONE TENT WITH UP TO SEVEN PEOPLE ON THE SECOND SITE. Join us once again for this Fall Festival weekend canoe trip. This year I have booked a group campsite on Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton off of hwy 118. As usual the socializing and the gourmet feast will be the themes for this trip. Canoeing will be secondary making the one short portage to the lake easy. The lake is small but big enough to explore for the day with adjoining lakes if interested. The permit fee and some other fees will be split equally among the participants. Saturday’s turkey feast with all the trimmings will be a group effort. The permit limits us to 8 tents and 16 people; I ask that you share a tent on this trip. And like last year if we have enough interest, you can book another site on the lake and join us.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Group campsite 53 on Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton off of hwy 118. The Poker Lake canoe system
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, September 27, 2013 (All day)
Registration Cut Off: 
asap as it fill up very quickly
Event Duration: 
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
All WCA members
Maximum Group Size: 
8 tent and 16 people +
Minimum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

A trash can Turkey feast, plus all of the gourmet food you wish to bring to the canoe table.

Friday - drive up and park the car. Short portage and canoe trip to the site. Set-up and socialize.
Saturday - canoe back to get the gourmet food dishes you brought, cook and socialize.
Sunday - canoe and explore the remaining area.

More details to follow.

Required Items to Bring: 

A gourmet food dish or two that you would bring to your Thanks Giving or Christmas Table.
Money for you share of the permit and other fees.
All of the other meals and camping / canoeing gear you normally bring.

More details to follow.

Recommended Items to Bring: 

see above.
You must arrange your own car pool. Find a partner to share a tent and canoe with. Find a canoe and tent.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Group campsite 53 on Bentshoe Lakes near Haliburton off of hwy 118. The Poker Lake canoe system.

I can and will send you more information.

Cancellation Policy: 
If you said you were coming and fail to show or I can't replace you. You owe me money.
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Gary James

2013 Fall Meeting

Come and join other WCA members to celebrate Fall arrival and talk about past and future paddling trips! For details, visit:

The Basics
Event Location: 
Madawaska Kanu Centre
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, October 4, 2013 - 12:00
Event Duration: 
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
All WCA Members
How to Get There
Event Directions: 

google Madawaska Kanu Centre - MKC

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jon McPhee

Annual General Meeting at Evergreen Brickworks

Please join us for the WCA AGM at the Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto. For details and to register, please go to Club Activities - WCA AGM. Agenda includes: business meetings, including election of new board members; private tour of Evergreen Brickworks site; hike though the scenic Don Valley ravine (free shuttle bus is an alternative) and lunch at a local restaurant

The Basics
Event Location: 
Evergreen Brickworks - 550 Bayview Avenue Toronto
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, March 2, 2013 - 09:00
Registration Cut Off: 
March 1, 2013
Event Duration: 
1/2 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Everyone - all members and non-members welcome
Maximum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

Please see the description under Club Activites - WCA AGM
Note that registration is required

Required Items to Bring: 

If you are hiking, please dress appropriately. Hike is about 45 minutes - 30 minutes moderate hike though the ravine and 15 minutes easy hike along Bloor/Danforth

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Geri James

WCA Annual General Meeting - Koffler Scientific Reserve - March 3, 2012 - All Welcome

WCA Annual General Meeting
Saturday March 3rd, 2012

Registration required – please see details below or click on the following link (or paste into your web browser):

Please join us for the WCA 2012 Annual General Meeting on Saturday March 3rd, 2012 at the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) at Jokers Hill. Located on the Oak Ridges Moraine just north of Toronto, KSR is owned by the University of Toronto and focuses on a sustainable future through research and education on the environment, in the environment.
In addition to our business meeting, the Director of KSR, Dr. Arthur Weis, will provide a history of KSR, and tell us how scientists from the University of Toronto and other institutions in Canada and abroad are using the resources of KSR to expand our knowledge base in biodiversity, ecology and evolution. We will also do a walking tour of the Reserve (including the old-growth forest) and have access to their hiking trails. Lunch will follow at a local restaurant in Kettleby (lunch is optional; individuals pay for their own lunch; menu includes deli sandwiches and hot Italian home style dishes). The afternoon is free for hiking on KRS’s trails (and maybe snowshoeing or cross country skiing if there is enough snow).

Why attend? Learn more about the business of the WCA; provide input on the club's future direction; socialize with other outdoor enthusiasts; learn about KSR and enjoy their hiking trails.

Register: We need to know how many members will be attending the meeting and lunch. Please click on the link below to register by February 29. Please note the registration is through our online store; there is no cost to attend the AGM, but it will appear as if you’re “purchasing” attendance at the AGM.

Location: The Koffler Scientific Reserve is located at 17000 Dufferin Street, King City, ON, L7B1K5. It is on the west side of Dufferin, north of Sideroad 19 (Mulock Dr) and south of Hwy 9 (Davis Dr).

Date/Time: Saturday, March 3. Door’s open at 8:30 and meeting starts at 9 am. We expect the business part of the meeting to end around 11 am; the talk and tour of KSR to end about noon and lunch to start about 12:30. The afternoon is free for exploring the KSR trails.

Questions: Please email any questions to

Cost: There is no cost to attend the meeting (optional lunch is extra and paid by each individual). However, we do require you to register online through the WCA online store (see link below).

REGISTER online by Feb 29 by clicking on the following link:

The Basics
Event Location: 
Koffler Scientific Reserve - 17000 Dufferin Street, King Ciy
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, March 3, 2012 - 09:00
Registration Cut Off: 
March 2
Event Duration: 
3 Hours + lunch
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Everyone (non-members welcome)
Maximum Group Size: 
Itinerary description: 

8:30 - 9;00 am - meet and greet
9:00 - 11:00 am - meeting
11:00 - 12:00 noon: the Director of KSR, Dr. Arthur Weis, will provide a history of KSR, and tell us how scientists from the University of Toronto and other institutions in Canada and abroad are using the resources of KSR to expand our knowledge base in biodiversity, ecology and evolution. We will also do a walking tour of the Reserve (including the old-growth forest) and have access to their hiking trails.
12:30 pm: Lunch will follow at a local restaurant in Kettleby (lunch is optional; individuals pay for their own lunch; menu includes deli sandwiches and hot Italian home style dishes).

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

The Koffler Scientific Reserve is located at 17000 Dufferin Street, King City, ON, L7B1K5. It is on the west side of Dufferin, north of Sideroad 19 (Mulock Dr) and south of Hwy 9 (Davis Dr).

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Geri James

2011 Fall Meeting

For more information and to make a reservation, visit WCA website event page:, or the "2011 Fall Meeting" link in the Club Activities section.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Boundless Adventures Camp, Palmer Rapids
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, September 30, 2011 - 17:00
Event Duration: 
Friday - Sunday
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Jon McPhee

WCA Pub Night

WCA Pub Night, Sat., Jan 29, 7pm
Come and join your friends for a social night reliving last summer's paddling adventures and planning those for this coming summer.

The proprietor of the Twisted Kilt has given us use of the upper level room gratis, so there is no cover charge, we will have our own bartender, and the selection of brews is impressive: You can order food and non-alcoholic beverages from the restaurant downstairs as well.

There is a TV available and we will have a DVD player, so if you want to show some of those fantastic runs you made last summer, or that bear that came into your camp one night, bring them along and we will try to make you a star.

Since this is an open social night, it is open to members, their family and friends, and anyone else interested in talking about paddling, tripping, camping, and the great outdoors. Bring them along!

While this is a 'open' function, if you plan to come, please sign up on-line, to give an idea of numbers so I can advise the pub staff. But, on the other hand, feel free to come 'unannounced 'at the last minute if that is how it happens!

The Basics
Event Location: 
-Twisted Kilt Pub, 1954 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Date(s) & Time: 
Saturday, January 29, 2011 - 19:00
Registration Cut Off: 
Event Duration: 
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
Opening to all members of paddling/outdoors community, their family and friends
Itinerary description: 

Social evening

How to Get There
Event Directions: 

Pub is (At Millwood, just north of Davisville). Accessible by subway. Public parking lot on west side just south of pub (look for LCBO sign).

Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Mary Perkins

WCA Annual General Meeting Sunday February 13th, 2011

Dear members,

Please consider participating at the WCA AGM on Sunday, 13th February.

Details and online registration are available here:

WCA Board

The Basics
Event Location: 
Date(s) & Time: 
Sunday, February 13, 2011 - 09:00
Event Duration: 
1 day
Difficulty Rating: 
Cancellation Policy: 
48 hours
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Barbara Burton

WCA 2010 Fall Meeting

Dear WCA members,

We're inviting you to join us for the annual Fall Meeting at Madawaska Kanu Centre 1-3 October, 2010.

To find out more details and register online, please visit the WCA 2010 Fall Meeting Registration page.

WCA Board

The Basics
Event Location: 
Madawaska Kanu Centre
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, October 1, 2010 (All day)
Event Duration: 
Friday - Sunday
Difficulty Rating: 
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Aleks Gusev
416 433 8413
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