2024 Fall Gathering - Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op

Please join us at the 2024 WCA  Fall Gathering

On September 13 to 15, 2024,  Friday night to Sunday

Where; Palmer Rapids Paddler Co-op.


Bring your own food, drink, camping gear.

Rentals are available and or team up with another WCA member.  See WCA organizer to help you coordinate.


Paddle Co-op

WCA  members have used the Palmer Rapids area on many occasions in the past and want to continue to have public access to this important part of our canoeing experience.

Paddler Co-op is spearheading a fundraiser to purchase its rental property to secure a river access point for paddlers and recreationalists for future generations.  The WCA is proud to help in this effort. 

Donation link




Friday Night

Drive up and find a campsites.  Mention you are a WCA member and get 20% off camping and boat rental during this weekend.  

We will catch-up around a campfire Friday evening.  Early arrivals on Friday can say hello to old and new friends, go for a riverside walk, or paddle to Palmer Rapids on the Lower Madawaski River for a quick evening run.

Saturday Featured Outing:  

Flat Water: Paddle down the Madawaska River 

This is a self guided pleasant paddle down the river pass the town of Palmer, lumber mills, cottages and various bridges.  You can paddle all the way to Latchford bridge (7.5 km) or Homestead Road (10 km) (Aumonds Rapids area) and drop a shuttle car for your return or just paddle back on the reverse route back up river.  The river in this section is a slow moving current.

White water: Snake Rapids River Run on the Lower Madawaska River

This is the classic run down the Snake Rapids section .

  - Put-in Location Almond Bay:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/eMJnUtQC8oJXf8JC6

  - Take-out Location Buck Bay: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wEUe4DVKhHuTuoYaA

Other Saturday Daytime Activities

  • Playing at Palmer Rapids
  • Hike some local trails
  • Hang around campground and relax.
  • Check out the town of Palmer

Saturday Après-Paddle

We are aiming to arrive back at the campsites around 5 pm.  Along with dinner preparation this time can be used for gear demonstrations and/or gear swap.  Participants are encouraged to bring any gear in good condition that they no longer need, to see if anyone else can put it to good use.  Have a look through your old stuff and see what might be of interest to other members – a great way to declutter!

Dinner you are on your own to cook food or drive to a local restaurant to grab dinner.  

Our evening program will feature various trip presentations in the Boat House.  This will start at by approximately 8:00 pm, and run a couple of hours.  Even if you’re haven’t signed-up to present, feel free to bring some pictures on a USB memory key and share some memorable experiences.


For people that want a relaxing day, wake up late and go for a few runs down Palmer Rapids or a flat water paddle down the Madawaska River its up to you.

Paddler Co-Op will give a dry land demostration at 11 am

For others that want a full day run the Snake Rapids from Almond Bay to Buck Bay is an option.

General Info;

Bring your own food, drink, camping gear.

Mention you are a WCA member and get 20% off camping and gear rental for this weekend

See Paddle Co-op website for camping/rental costs and other details.

The Basics
Event Location: 
Paddler Co-Op Palmer Rapids
Date(s) & Time: 
Friday, September 13, 2024 - 18:00
Registration Cut Off: 
Event Duration: 
all weekend
Difficulty Rating: 
Participant Info
Who's Invited: 
All members
Maximum Group Size: 
50 people
Minimum Group Size: 
2 peoiple
Itinerary description: 

See above

Required Items to Bring: 

See above
Camping, Food, Gear, etc.

How to Get There
Event Directions: 
Carpool Info: 

Contact event organizer to try and coordinator

Cancellation Policy: 
Only sign up if you are sure you will attend
Event Coordinator/s Contact Information
Contact (Name): 
Gary Ataman