WCA Annual General Meeting - Koffler Scientific Reserve - March 3, 2012 - All Welcome

WCA Annual General Meeting
Saturday March 3rd, 2012
Registration required – please see details below or click on the following link (or paste into your web browser): http://www.wildernesscanoe.ca/content/wca-annual-general-meeting
Please join us for the WCA 2012 Annual General Meeting on Saturday March 3rd, 2012 at the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) at Jokers Hill. Located on the Oak Ridges Moraine just north of Toronto, KSR is owned by the University of Toronto and focuses on a sustainable future through research and education on the environment, in the environment.
In addition to our business meeting, the Director of KSR, Dr. Arthur Weis, will provide a history of KSR, and tell us how scientists from the University of Toronto and other institutions in Canada and abroad are using the resources of KSR to expand our knowledge base in biodiversity, ecology and evolution. We will also do a walking tour of the Reserve (including the old-growth forest) and have access to their hiking trails. Lunch will follow at a local restaurant in Kettleby (lunch is optional; individuals pay for their own lunch; menu includes deli sandwiches and hot Italian home style dishes). The afternoon is free for hiking on KRS’s trails (and maybe snowshoeing or cross country skiing if there is enough snow).
Why attend? Learn more about the business of the WCA; provide input on the club's future direction; socialize with other outdoor enthusiasts; learn about KSR and enjoy their hiking trails.
Register: We need to know how many members will be attending the meeting and lunch. Please click on the link below to register by February 29. Please note the registration is through our online store; there is no cost to attend the AGM, but it will appear as if you’re “purchasing” attendance at the AGM.
Location: The Koffler Scientific Reserve is located at 17000 Dufferin Street, King City, ON, L7B1K5. It is on the west side of Dufferin, north of Sideroad 19 (Mulock Dr) and south of Hwy 9 (Davis Dr).
Date/Time: Saturday, March 3. Door’s open at 8:30 and meeting starts at 9 am. We expect the business part of the meeting to end around 11 am; the talk and tour of KSR to end about noon and lunch to start about 12:30. The afternoon is free for exploring the KSR trails.
Questions: Please email any questions to geri.james@bell.net.
Cost: There is no cost to attend the meeting (optional lunch is extra and paid by each individual). However, we do require you to register online through the WCA online store (see link below).
REGISTER online by Feb 29 by clicking on the following link: